My Profile

The "My Profile" page on Almitee offers a centralized location where you can update your personal information, adjust security settings, and manage account preferences. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to navigate and utilize the features available under the Profile and Account tabs.

Profile Tab

Updating Personal Details

  • To modify your personal details such as your name, contact information, or role, navigate to the Profile tab on the My Profile page.

  • Click the "Edit" button to make changes to your information.

  • After updating the necessary fields, save your changes to apply them.

Changing Profile Image

  • In the Profile tab, you have the option to update your profile image.

  • Click on "Profile image" to upload a new image from your device.

Account Tab

Resetting Your Password

  • To change your current password, go to the Account tab and select the appropriate option to reset your password.

  • Follow the prompts to enter your current password and then create a new one.

Setting Up Pin or Face ID Authentication

  • For additional security, you can set up a pin or enable Face ID authentication on our mobile app.

  • Within the Account tab, locate the "Setup app login" section.

  • Here, you can choose to enable "Use passcode" or "Use device's biometric" options based on your preference and device capabilities.

Deleting Your Account

  • If you decide to delete your Almitee account, you can initiate this process in the Account tab.

  • Select the option to delete your account, and follow the instructions to submit your request.

  • Once the request is submitted, Almitee will begin the process of removing your data. Note that there is a period during which you can cancel the account deletion if you change your mind.


The My Profile page on Almitee is designed to give you control over your personal information, security settings, and account preferences. Whether you're updating your profile, enhancing account security, or considering account deletion, these tools are designed to ensure a personalized and secure user experience. Should you encounter any difficulties or have questions regarding the management of your account, Almitee's support team is available to assist you via

Last updated